Reply To: [UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Add-ons [UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA Reply To: [UPDATE BUG FIX] Bluetooth Addon BETA

8. Januar 2017 at 20:06 #25672


I’m trying to setup a Max2Player that is capable to act as a Squeezebox Player and as well is capable to accept streamed Audio via Airplay or Bluetooth to the Player istelf (not the LMS). It should automatically switch between the respective Audio Sources.

My Setup is:
– RasperryPi 3 with wired access to the network
– Inbuilt Wirelesss is disabled
– Inbuilt Bluetooth should be used to accept Bluetooth Streams.
– Squeezebox Server resides on a different System togehther with FHEM in the Network
– In order to allow automatic Switchover, the IP of the LMS Server is entered in the „advanced Settings“
of the ShairPort Section
– Bluetooth is installed
– „Squeezelite Bluetooth Verbindungs Synchronisation“ is installed and „-B“ is configured as
command Line Parameter in Squeezelite
– „Audio-Ausgang beim Trennen wechseln“ is activated
– „Deaktiviere integriertes Audio bei RPi3“ is activated
– Pulse is used as the Sound Card in Squeezelite and in Shairport
– an iPad3 and an iPhone 5 are paired and are Green after the reconnect and
both Function eventually.
– Sound Card is a HifiBerry DAC+ Pro
– I started out with the Jessie HifiBerry Image 235 from your Webpage, updated Max2Play
first to the newest update release and recently (Today) as well to the Beta Version
– I updated Squeezelite by setting the checkbox in the advanced Squeezelite Settings
– Squeezelite, Shairport, Bluetooth are all set to Autostart

It sort of Works but not entirely stable and not very predictanbly. What are the issues I discovered:
– After booting I try to use it as a Squeezebox Player. I will only get klicking noises in sub second intervalls.
The clicking noise goes on endlessly unless i stop/start the player
– After several times pressing stop,start,stop etc. the sound will eventually come on and the player runs ok.
There are not always the same amounts of Start/Stops required.
– Using the iPhone 5 with iOS 10.1.1, it will not detect the Max2Play Player as possible AirPlay device.
It is not possible to to connect via AirPlay
– Connecting via Bluetooth works ok, but it will not stop the Squeezebox Player. I will get both Audio
signals until I stop one or the other.
– For instance to use Bluetooth i need to stop the Squeezebox player anf afterwards I need to start it again.
– On connecting the iPad3 (iOS 9.3.5) when just before the iphone was used over Bluetooth, the the connection will
only quickly come on (maybe a second).
– After „reconnect“ via the M2P Webgui, the iPad can then again be connected.
– When playing an IP TV Stream over Bluetooth, it will switch over from the Squeezebox Player to Bluetooth.
– After stoping the Stream, the Squeezebox Player will not be resumed automatically. At Times not even stop/Starting
the Player in LMS will Remedy the Situation and the Player has to be rebooted.
– Using AirPlay will automatically switch over after somewhere between 15-20 seconds. During this time, 4 to 5
klicks are audible before eventually the sound comes on via Airplay.
– After stoping Airplay it will automatically go back to the Squeezeplayer, but mostly only the subsecond clicking
is hearable. Multiple Stop/Starts will eventually bring the Squeezeplayer back.
– as well on Bluetooth or Airplay, the Audio Playback will after varying times loose the connection and will mostly
automatically resume playback. Occasionally Bluetooth will have to be reconnected.

On Trying to influence the situation, I removed the IP Address of the LMS Server under „Shairport/Squeezelite automatischer Wechsel der Audioquelle“ in the „Advanced Shairport Settings“. From the on the clicking Noises stop and the Squeezebox Player is played automatically. But this as well means that there is no automatic switover anymore and one needs to swith the respective Audio Sources on and off as required.

– are my used software releases on the required and most current versions
– what can/has to be changed to make the system more reliable and predictable?

Any hints are most welcome.



####  Einstellungen / Reboot Debug Info

#### FILESYSTEM ####
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        2857028 2048148    664852  76% /
devtmpfs          437056       0    437056   0% /dev
tmpfs             441388     764    440624   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs             441388   17232    424156   4% /run
tmpfs               5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             441388       0    441388   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1     61384   21576     39808  36% /boot
tmpfs              88280       8     88272   1% /run/user/1000

#### LOAD AVERAGE ####
0.13 0.22 0.19 1/207 1489

#### KERNEL ####
Linux Bad 4.4.20-v7+ #908 SMP Wed Sep 7 14:44:27 BST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux

Distributor ID:	Raspbian
Description:	Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release:	8.0
Codename:	jessie

####  Audioplayer Debug Info
Squeezelite v1.8.3-718, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2016 Ralph Irving.


### Configuration of Audioplayers
SQUEEZELITE_PARAMETER=-o pulse -a 80:4:: -B
YMPD_PARAMETER=--webport 8081

#### SQUEEZELITE -l ####
Output devices:
  null                           - Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
  pulse                          - PulseAudio Sound Server
  plugequal                      - Equalizer for plughw:0,0
  default:CARD=sndrpihifiberry   - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus,  - Default Audio Device
  sysdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus,  - Default Audio Device
  dmix:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus,  - Direct sample mixing device
  dsnoop:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus,  - Direct sample snooping device
  hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0  - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus,  - Direct hardware device without any conversions
  plughw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0 - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus,  - Hardware device with all software conversions



format: S16_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (352800/8)
period_size: 1102
buffer_size: 4408


####  Bluetooth Debug Info

#### Bluetooth Installation ####

#### Bluetooth Dongle ####
hci0:	Type: BR/EDR  Bus: UART
	BD Address: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
	RX bytes:37040762 acl:60827 sco:0 events:338 errors:0
	TX bytes:13548 acl:306 sco:0 commands:98 errors:0


#### DEVICE DEVICE1 ####
  Name: DEVICE1
  Alias: DEVICE1 [rw]
  Address: DEVICE1 MAC
  Icon: phone
  Class: 0x7a020c
  Paired: 1
  Trusted: 1 [rw]
  Blocked: 0 [rw]
  Connected: 1
  UUIDs: [00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacafe, ServiceDiscoveryServer, AudioSource, AVRemoteControlTarget, AdvancedAudioDistribution, AVRemoteControl, NAP, HandsfreeAudioGateway, PhoneBookAccess, 00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, PnPInformation]

#### DEVICE DEVICE2 ####
  Name: DEVICE2
  Alias: DEVICE2 [rw]
  Address: DEVICE2 MAC
  Icon: computer
  Class: 0x6a0110
  Paired: 1
  Trusted: 1 [rw]
  Blocked: 0 [rw]
  Connected: 0
  UUIDs: [00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacafe, ServiceDiscoveryServer, AudioSource, AVRemoteControlTarget, AdvancedAudioDistribution, AVRemoteControl, NAP, HandsfreeAudioGateway, 00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, PnPInformation]

#### PACMD LIST | grep active ####
	active port: <analog-output>
	active port: <phone-input>
	active profile: <output:analog-stereo>
	active profile: <a2dp_source>

#### PACMD LIST | grep sink ####
Default sink name: alsa_output.platform-soc_sound.analog-stereo
		module.description = "When a bluetooth sink or source is added, load module-loopback"
		module.description = "Automatically restore the default sink and source"
		module.description = "When a sink/source is removed, try to move its streams to the default sink/source"
	name: <module-always-sink>
		module.description = "When a sink/source is idle for too long, suspend it"
		module.description = "Load filter sinks automatically when needed"
		module.description = "BlueZ 5 Bluetooth audio sink and source"
	argument: <source="bluez_source.DEVICE1" source_dont_move="true" sink_input_properties="media.role=music">
		module.description = "Loopback from source to sink"
1 sink(s) available.
1 sink input(s) available.
	sink: 0 <alsa_output.platform-soc_sound.analog-stereo> = "sink-input-by-media-role:music"


1 S  1000  1467     1  0  80   0 -   478 -      ?        00:00:00 start-pulseaudi
1 S  1000 29675     1 10  80   0 - 25732 -      ?        00:01:36 pulseaudio

####  Raspberry Einstellungen Debug Info

# For more options and information see
# Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details

# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode

# uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible
# and your display can output without overscan

# uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
# goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border

# uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display's size minus
# overscan.

# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

# uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)

# uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
# DMT (computer monitor) modes

# uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
# no display

# uncomment for composite PAL

#uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

# Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

# Uncomment this to enable the lirc-rpi module

# Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by pschlaeppi.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by pschlaeppi.