Reply To: WiFi adapter active, connection active, (IP:No IP!, No connection!) on 2.35

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI WiFi adapter active, connection active, (IP:No IP!, No connection!) on 2.35 Reply To: WiFi adapter active, connection active, (IP:No IP!, No connection!) on 2.35

15. September 2016 at 15:44 #23045

I am having a very similar problem.

All has been working very well with Max2Play, Wolfson/Cirrus, and Rpi 2 and RPi 3.

After I upgraded my router from a NETGEAR WNR2000 to Linksys EA6300 AC1200, due to Airplay streaming problems, I now cannot get an IP address for the RPi 3 setup, the RPi2 setup still work okay! Even an RPi3 that was already setup and working okay with the Netgear router will not work when tried with the Linksys.

Setup goes okay with with all steps and reboots up until after the Wolfson/Cirrus card is installed. After rebooting at this stage neither LAN nor Wireless works again until a full reinstall. I noticed that the router is assigning the RPi3 a IPv6 address, but not an IP address. I switched off IPv6 in Max2Play, but the router still assigns the RPi3 a IPv6 but no IP. I also switched off IPv6 in the router setup, but an IP address is still not assigned after the Wolfson/Cirrus card is installed. Have tried setup 5 times now on RPi3 with same result each time straight after the Wolfson card is installed.

I am installing 2.34, then upgrading to 2.35 in setup. The already setup RPi 3 that would not work with the Linksys was at 2.35 already.


  • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by gapmedia.