Reply To: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro squeezelite LMS 7.9 nightly DSD fail

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Hifiberry Dac+ Pro squeezelite LMS 7.9 nightly DSD fail Reply To: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro squeezelite LMS 7.9 nightly DSD fail

26. April 2016 at 15:03 #19974

Hello awietek (or whatever your real name is 😉 )

yes my LMS is installed on the rapsberry pi connected to a 500GB SATA Disk over USB, I even just upgraded to the Raspberry 3 and after some hickups also this is working flawlessly.
=> had to upgrade the Kernel to bring it to life with rpi-update and after that the problems with distortion and activated Blue-Tooth were gone.

I activated the DSD Triode Plugin, because I couldn’t see DSD-Files otherwise.
It may be, that the recent beta of LMS may not need that.
But without that I also couldn’t configure how DSD Files should be treated in LMS.

Just hang on and try some configuration in LMS and suddenly and hopefully it works!

Best regards
