Reply To: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro squeezelite LMS 7.9 nightly DSD fail

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Hifiberry Dac+ Pro squeezelite LMS 7.9 nightly DSD fail Reply To: Hifiberry Dac+ Pro squeezelite LMS 7.9 nightly DSD fail

28. Februar 2016 at 21:34 #18808


Hello together,

I played around with all the squeezelite Settings and looked at my Daphile Installation.

And TATA there I found the right Settings.

You have to add the following Settings in the MAX2PLAY squeezelite Settings:

-c pcm,flac,mp3,dsd -r 44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000

Here you specify which filetypes should be known by squeezelite, in my case pcm, flac, mp3 and DSD (but it works without DSD filetype as it’s converted to pcm., but maybe someday there will be a native Hifiberry DSD Support with a different chip.

Step by step:

Add this line in the additional start options of squeezelite in the MAX2PLAY Audio part and DSF playback will work.
-c pcm,flac,mp3,dsd -r 44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000

For sure you have to set up everything according to DSF Playback in LMS.
– activate DSD Plugin from Triode
– set volume to fixed in the player settings of LMS
– set filetypes in LMS accordingly
DSF deactivate
FLAC dsdplay
FLAC dsdplay
FLAC dsdplay

And I’m hearing at the moment my DSF Files with Hifiberry Dac+ Pro and latest MAX2PLAY Distribution

I’m happy 🙂

Best regards


  • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Chief_BSA.
  • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Chief_BSA.
  • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Chief_BSA.