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15. Februar 2016 at 9:48 #18491

Hi Simon

I put this together for a friend just after I got mine working (and to remind me how we did it), I hope you can follow it, but it’s Noop who deserves full credit for this, I was just following his instructions.

Here goes and good luck hope it works for you

How I installed Max2play.

Installation Preparation (read this first before installation, and the **** below to get a feel of whats needed before you start, it just helps to understand the procedure)

Please note, this was to resolve my accesspoint issues which I had MAJOR problems with.

Problems were, not all dongles work as an access point, and when I did get one that should have worked it was faulty, so you just have to be aware and lastly Noop also found there was a bug in M2P accesspoint plugin module too.

But Not everyone had problems with that particular dongle, very odd, I did !
YOU might have no issues at all, hopefully not

Anyhow a great little programme to use is Putty. Install this before you start, it’s very useful as it allows you to run the commands later on in this set up on your Pi.
With putty, you can also cut and past between windows, This means you don’t have to type any of the commands into the command prompt, just cut and paste using Ctrl V each time for cutting and pasting

You can find Putty here

When you are ready to start your installation Load and run Putty.exe.

Once loaded ensure your Pi (M2P) is hard-wired (at this point) into your Lan, switched on and running.

When Putty is loaded, you will be presented with a DOS type screen, this is what I call the command prompt, at this point, put in your IP address of your SWITCHED ON Pi 192.168.1.XX
Then when asked, enter your user and passwords (Pi then Raspberry) to get into your Pi. Once in, leave this screen open as this is where all commands will be entered and run (just shrink the screen for now).

It may also be a good idea at this point to register your M2P account before you start your installation, you need to register for a premier account, this gives you access to your accesspoint plug in and other plug-in modules

Its also worth noting if all works, the least you need to do are actions 1 – 8 to get is working in its basic form. Actions 9 -11 just offer a way to check your connection/set up so far.

If all is good at this point and all is working, jump to No 13, 14, 15. If not, then run No 12 and then 13, 14, 15

Remember you need to know your ip address of your Pi so you can get to M2P via your browser once switched on

Please note:

After each module is installed, you will be asked to reboot, make sure you do otherwise the plugin’s may not be installed properly, EVEN if you are not prompted to do this DO IT !!

The Plugin’s will/should be sat across the top of the GUI page on switch on except for the Raspberry and Access point plug-in’s

Installation (at this point only your lan and power supply should be connected)

1. Burn a new image (min 8gb SD card), plug it into your Pi and switch on and navigate to your PI’s IP address using your browser, this will present you with the main Max2play Gui page, from here you will do all setting up
2. Expand your new image in (Settings/Reboot plug-in )
3. Update M2P in (Settings/Reboot plug-in)
4. Increase the USB current via the Raspberry Settings plug in. To do this you can either install the pi plug in by going to the
squeezebox server module where you can enter your registered email account, (after this the Raspberry Pi module should be in view at the top of the page you opened). Another way is go to the Pi command prompt and enter
at the prompt, max_usb_current=1 (remember if you want to do this via the command prompt, just open Putty and enter it there (Cut & Paste), then shrink Putty again)
I opened a M2P account previously and did this part via the Raspberry Plug.

Once done continue with the installation

5. Plug in the wifi dongle**.
6. install wifi.
7. install access-point*.(then reboot)
8. remove power and then apply power.
9. On your IOS device***, set-up -> wifi (after a few minutes) should show an available network with SSID “max2play” (or whatever you set it to)
10. Try to connect to this network, if you get an error, “forget” the network, and re-try (you will prompted for password in this case).
11. If connected, on the IOS device use safari or chrome and browse the PI at: , you should see the max2play page, so it should be working at this point
ONLY if there is a problem with the wifi, do the following

12. login to the PI command by opening Putty and execute these commands: (remember you can cut and paste)

cd /tmp
sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.orig
sudo cp interfaces. /etc/network/interfaces
sudo chown root:root /etc/network/interfaces
sudo chmod 666 /etc/network/interfaces

After installing this, check the following as you did previously as below 12a – 12c

12a. On your IOS device, set-up -> wifi should show an available network with SSID “max2play” (or whatever you set it to)
12b. Try to connect to this network, if you get an error, “forget” the network, and re-try (you will prompted for password in this case).
12c. If connected, on the IOS device use safari or chrome and browse the PI at: , you should see the max2play page.

If successful carry on installing the rest of the plug-in’s in this order

13. Install Squeezebox Server (click on show available versions, click 7.9 nightly, click install)
14. Install Audio Player (and plug in the USB DAC or other before installing the audio player)
15. Plug in your ext hard drive and scan contents via Squeezebox Server plug-in (go to webadministration tab)

It takes time for your m2p to scan your data, so leave it running for as long as it takes, mine took overnight.

Now it should all be working correctly

If you have photos/films/music on your M2P HD, and need to access them via kodi on your tablet, run the M2P kodi plug-in and follow these instructions
(please note, I have not done this at the time of writing this, it was from memory before Christmas, but I’m sure it’s the right procedure) I just wanted to put this down while I remembered

If you try and connect via LMS, you may need to enter the password for max2play

The user is user and passwords is root (I think, lower case)

**My wifi dongle was and RT5370. You need one that works in access mode, this does. £4.89 from Ebay

***When have set up your your wifi in settings, and you connect, it may prompt you with the home screen of Max2Play. It may ask for a password but will not offer anywhere to put it. If so, Press cancel, top right. It should come up with another screen, use internet connection Yes or NO, pick NO. I don’t have a clue what would happen if you say yes. Maybe it will hook into the local wifi and you access it that way..

* to install accesspoint, go to the bottom of the settings/reboot page (a demo can be seen here)

click on the „list of Max2Play extensions“ and find accesspoint plugin and follow the instructions and install it