Reply To: Accesspoint issues

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14. Januar 2016 at 21:53 #17855

Hi Noop

Sorry I did’nt get back to you yesterday, the celebrations lasted longer than i anticipated.

Ok tonight started off bad and could be getting worse , hahahah

I just could’nt format my sd card…God knows why. It’s taken me nearly an hour of trying different sd cards all the same, ran the virus software, no problems.

I got it to format the card by running the format tool at the same time as the installation. And so far I have got this far and things seem ok.

I have done all you have said and before I went to the Pi to input the code you gave me I fired up my lan scanner and it sees the max2play url ( and the edimax dongle ( However, not sure if this is important, as well as it saying edimax, it also say max2play in the same description box.
And remember this is hooked into my lan at this point.

Ok I ran the first line, no problem. Did the second one and got this

pi@max2play ~ $ cd /usr/sbin
pi@max2play /usr/sbin $ sudo rm -f hostapd
sudo: unable to resolve host max2play