Reply To: Time and Date when off.

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play Development (Ideas, Wishes) Time and Date when off. Reply To: Time and Date when off.

14. Oktober 2015 at 15:09 #16362

Super! It worked. I updated it last night to Beta but could not get it to do the clock, and then in the morning today checked my e-mail and went here and it looked super.

Did a „Update2Beta Max2Play“ and it worked. I could go in the screen saver and pick what clock to use when it’s off.

That’s so good.

I guess the only other thing is what size the clock or fount I guess you say would be. It’s looks a little small on the big 7 inch screen.

I got this photo of mine.

Clock now works as a screen saver on Bata-151014 todays date.

Thank you so much. Only doing the Beta on one of mine.

Love it very impressed!

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Raymond Day.