Developers Corner

Max2Play offers the perfect base for customisation. The Open Source Framework to design a browser interface in combination with the OS Debian Stretch offers a versatile playground. Build your own web interface with some easy steps and use Max2Play functions to share your development.

For Developers

Max2Play’s web interface is multilingual and based on the foundation of plugins. Those plugins implement the functions of a service class. Within a plugin is a folder structure in place to divide business logic, presentation and translation files. Using the provided framework and plugins, it is possible to install, operate and fully utilize compatible applications of ones choosing. Furthermore, console commands can be readily accessed via the web interface which is also accessible on a smartphone.


Max2Play in its most current state is available at GitHub as source code. The documentation shows the implementation on a linux system and the possibilities for customisation.

Max2Play at GitHub

Create custom Plugins with the Pluginbuilder

The Max2Play Addon Pluginbuilder can be used, to create and edit custom Plugins within the Max2Play web interface. Therefore it is very easy to create and share your own Plugins.

The Pluginbuilder can be installed on the settings page of the web interface like any other Plugin. The link for installation is:

Tutorial: How to create your own Max2Play Plugin?

Create a new plugin

Setup for own plugins

To create a new plugin, use the script /opt/max2play/ which, with input parameters, creates the folder structure for Controller, View and locale in addition to a sample class „Setup“ in the controller and the corresponding „View“.

Folder for created plugins

All created files can be found at /var/www/max2play/application/plugins/[PLUGINNAME]

Activate new plugins

The created example plugin can be activated through the web interface (tab settings) and the content of plugin files can be updated using the editor.

Mulitlingual plugins possible

For the edit of translation files, POEdit or a similar editor can be used for PO files.

Learn how to use the Systemd-script to autostart your scripts with this wiki article.

Max2Play - Create your own Plugin