I need some help. I have been using LMC for years with no issues streaming audio from my iphone to a number of players running max2play and a squeezebox touch. I have just upgraded the pi running the server to a 4Gb pi 4B, and installed the latest img from the website – (the Beta version as the other would not run on the Pi) – m2p_buster_rpi-v256.img. I am running server Version: 9.1.0 – 1740240175. All works well only when trying to Airplay to any of the players they do not show up on the phone, at one point when I rebooted my router they did but then would not actually connect when selected. I have tried with Squeezelite and Shairport on max2play and also both ShairTunes2 and AirPlay bridge, nothing is working. In shairTunes all of the players show up in settings but not on the phone. I have installed the bug fix for shairtunes2. I have read the How to Airplay page on the website. Any help or advise greatly appreciated!