i tried to update my max2play (Version 2.51 on a Raspberry PI 2) and got the following message:
Install Webinterface
Archive: /opt/max2play/cache/webinterface.zip
Install Scripts
Archive: /opt/max2play/cache/scripts.zip
rm: cannot remove `/etc/init/whoopsie.conf‘: No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf‘: No such file or directory
crontab: user `odroid‘ unknown
crontab: user `odroid‘ unknown
Factory Settings available
sed: can’t read /etc/systemd/system.conf: No such file or directory
grep: /lib/systemd/system/networking.service.d/network-pre.conf: No such file or directory
does anyone have a hint for me how to solve the problem?
It seems that you are still using our old Odroid image. To update to the new Max2Play version, you should download one of our stretch or buster images. Burn it to the SD card, then update the system. To be on the safe side, make a backup of your old system beforehand.