Reply To: Accesspoint and Bluetooth

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Accesspoint and Bluetooth Reply To: Accesspoint and Bluetooth

7. Mai 2020 at 23:56 #48737

Hello Mario

I thought you had forgotten about me!
The configuration has been very stable and was running for 3 days without reboot. I connected and disconnected many times without any issues.
I found that the Edimax dongle that I had would require some work with the drivers so I will not follow that route at the moment. I will try the 7811 and see how that works. The current dongle has an antenna attached and I would like it to be a bit neater. I don’t need a big range.
What bluetooth dongle is recommended? I couldn’t find suggestions. CSR-based dongles seem to be quite popular but they all seem to be oem and there seems to be an element of luck as to how well they work.
You didn’t mention if there was an easy way to restart just Bluetooth. I see that there has been a discussion about what seems to be exactly the problem I have experienced The solutions seem to be based on a script to toggle the Wifi pins (given the pi build that I have). Is that the only option?