Reply To: Bluetooth and OpenHab notifications doesn't play any sound

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play as Squeezebox (Player / Server) Bluetooth and OpenHab notifications doesn't play any sound Reply To: Bluetooth and OpenHab notifications doesn't play any sound

28. November 2018 at 22:18 #42376

I found an old Bluetooth dongle and connected it, however it didn’t make a difference.
It is too impractical to get a wired Ethernet connection from my router to my Pi.

I tested the Bluetooth connection by streaming directly to Max2Play – this works absolutely fine, so I don’t think it is a problem with the connection.

The problem only arises from the Bluetooth receiver to Squeezebox – this is also why I believe that the OpenHAB problem is involved with this. I don’t think that the Max2Play input to Squeezebox works.

Also, I originally purchased a one month license as I thought that this would be a simple process, and it exipires tomorrow. Is there any way to extend it for a discounted price because of these issues or is the only solution to buy another license?
