Reply To: Rpi3 + Hifiberry Digi+ = No Sound from Toslink

Max2Play Home Forums Max2Play on Raspberry PI Rpi3 + Hifiberry Digi+ = No Sound from Toslink Reply To: Rpi3 + Hifiberry Digi+ = No Sound from Toslink

29. September 2016 at 17:00 #23259

I’ve found there is a bug in latest max2play with squeezelite output device settings.

1) I’ve installed max2play image with 7″ for 7″ display
2) default device was set to alsa
3) I’ve set Hifiberry Digi/Digi+ as soundcard output from Raspberry Settings
4) max2play only adds dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi to /boot/config.txt but /opt/max2play/audioplayer.conf was not changed. Once I disabled Disable Build-In-Audio on RPI3 from max2play setting menu (which actually adds dtparam=audio=off to /boot/config.txt) squeezelite didn’t start at all as it was trying to use nonexistant sound device.

This is bug and should be fixed. Is there any common bugzilla where to search and file new bugs ? I have plenty of problems with max2play and using forum to report these problems seems pretty crazy to me.

Thank you