I’m using a R Pi 3 with the HiFiberry clone card called a PiFi Dac+… aiming to get S/PDIF audio into my Ps Audio Sprout…
I’m using the Max2Play Raspberry Pi image for R Pi 3 (I’m a registered user as bought an IQAudio card direct form Max2play for my R Pi 2).
The image seems fine, and in ‚Raspberry Settings‘ I can even select this exact ‚hat‘, I choose PiFi Dac+ from the dropdown… It recognises it and gives me the option to play with digital output volume…so I’m assuming all good there!?
But I can’t get any sound out… There are a huge number of options in the ‚edit advanced settings‘ in the Audioplayer tab…feels like I’ve trialed them all… anyone know with certainty which one should work…once I know that I can test all the stupid things…like wiring (which I think is fine!)!
Would it be one with IEC958 in the line….? There are several. I’d include a screenshot but not quite sure how to do that here.
I think it’s all going to be great…but frustrating getting there… any help appreciated!