I’ve just switched from OpenElec to max2play so that I can use the player as a Squeezebox when I’m not watching movies.
When I ran OpenElec, I stored my Kodi preferences on an external USB stick, to make upgrading it easier.
I was wondering if it would be possible to do the same thing – that is use the same USB stick – on this new installation.
The guide for using the external USB stick is here:
If I were to follow this guide, should I replace the values in the cmdline.txt with the ones on the wiki above? Or should I selectively choose just the mounting ones? Or none of the above, as it would stuff up the max2play install? Do you foresee them causing any problems?
Alternatively, should I just copy my prefs/movie database over to the new Kodi installation? Is there a way to do this?
Hi jademonkee,
Usually, every memory is recognized automatically if connect at the start of the device. You can then access the filesystem through the path /media/usb. You can find details on that explanation on the „Filesystem Mount“ tab in the Max2Play web interface.
The Kodi settings are at /home/pi/.kodi on the Raspberry and /home/odroid/.kodi on the ODROIDs. To edit or save you can create a Samba share at /home/pi. With that, any pc in the network can access this folder.
Details on Samba shares can also be found under the Filesystem Mount tab in the web interface.