New Max2Play Hardware Partner: Allo (Kali Reclocker and Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC)

New Max2Play Hardware Partner: Allo (Kali Reclocker and Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC)

We are happy to announce a new Max2Play Partner today: Allo. With the Piano Dac 2.1 by Allo, we are now, for the first time, supporting a sound card that also supports a subwoofer. Aside from this sound card, Allo offers a Reclocker named Kali. This Reclocker can be combined with all sound cards running in Slave Mode.


Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC

The specialty of the Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC is its additional output for a subwoofer, which can be controlled separately. The DAC has 4 golden RCA-Connectors (right, left, subright und subleft). The sound card is compatible with both the Raspberry Pi and the Allo-developed Sparky-Board.

Technical Details:

  • Dedicated two No’s of 384 kHz/32bit high-quality DAC PCM5142
  • DAC SNR is 112dB
  • DAC THD+N @ – 1dBFS are –93dB
  • Full Scale Output of DAC is 2.1Vrms
  • Dynamic Range of DAC is 112dB
  • Sampling Frequency ranges from 8 kHz to 384 kHz

The Piano 2.1 Hi-Fi DAC is avaiable here

The Allo Pinao 2.1 DAC sound card with extra output for a subwoofer and 4 golden rca connectors, top view.

Kali Reclocker

The Kali is a Reclocker made by Allo. It enhances the audio signal with a crystal which is responsible for the transformation of the digital signal into an analogue one, audible improving it. This way, the Reclocker can feed the DAC with music without any fluctuation. Another problem the Reclocker solves is the quality loss with high-end audio files through the SBC. The Reclocker itself can not be run by the Pi’s power supply. It requires its own 5V supply to run flawlessly. However, it can then power the Pi and the DAC as well.

Technical Details:

  • The basic design includes FPGA based FIFO board
  • I2S input: 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz, 176.4 KHz, 192 KHz – 16bit, 24bit or 32bit
  • I2S output: 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz, 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz, 176.4 KHz, 192 KHz – 16bit, 24bit or 32bit
  • FIFO Memory: 4MB SRAM
  • Can be use with external Crystal Oscillators for MCLK or upgraded to a higher quality, multi-frequency clock that comes with automatic Fs switching and better performance
  • LED indicators (Power, Full, Lock, Empty, Sample Rate, Mclk)
  • Multi-frequency output capability to support the full I2S working range from 44.1 KHz to 196 K
  • Automatically switching frequencies according to the input I2S signals
  • Extremely fast and very low propagation delay Flip-Flops are added on I2s signals output from FPGA, for synchronization with MCLK before sending to DAC
  • Ultra-low-noise voltage regulators for optimal audio performance

You can buy the Kali Reclocker her

The Allo Kali Reclocker card, top view.


The Kali Reclocker can only be combined with DACs running in Slave Mode. The cards of our partners HiFiBerry, IQaudIO and JustBoom all run in Master Mode. Consequently, the Kali can not be connected with these cards without major manual changes. Thus, we recommend the Kali Reclocker in combination with the Piano DAC 2.1 in our Shop. This combination works, as usual with Max2Play, directly out-of-the-box.

The cards by Allo are also available in bundles in our Shop

Max2Play Allo Plugin and Image

With our Allo plugin the installation of the cards is as simple as always un der Max2Play. After the installation, the card  has to simply be selected to have all the correct parameters at your disposal. Simply enter the download link from the plugin page in Max2Play or download our prepared Image and burn it on an SD Card.


  1. TJH 8 Jahren ago

    This could be developed further to have outputs for tweeter, mid/low and sub.
    This would do away with passive crossovers which (some of us think) are the work of the devil. Feed each driver separately – voila – an active loudspeaker system.
    The frequency of the crossover will have to be selectable in software to match the drive units, and the slope of the crossover must be steep (they say).
    Hours of fun tuning and tweaking to get a sound you like.
    Any chance????

    • Heiner 8 Jahren ago

      Hi TJH,
      Thanks for the input. To request a new feature on Max2Play, you can start a thread in our Development forums and we will consider implementing it, depending on our community’s response. However, you can also check out our Plugin Builder and the video our head developer made on easily creating your own Max2Play Plugins and sharing them.

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