Support for the Cirrus Logic Audio Card for Raspberry Pi 2

Support for the Cirrus Logic Audio Card for Raspberry Pi 2

Full Support from Max2Play

Max2Play is proud to announce that we now offer full support for the Cirrus Logic Audio Card. The card can be activated in our web interface with one click and is then automatically integrated as output for all our audio players.

With Max2Play, your sound card can reach its full potential. By selecting your card in our intuitive web interface and just clicking „save“, all our audio players, including Squeezebox, AirPlay and DLNA technology, directly use your sound card’s output for playback. You can also decide on different outputs and play different music to the sound card, the HDMI port or the native audio jack of your Raspberry Pi 2.

Select Any Output


Cirrus Logic’s audio card is the jack of all trades sound card with five separate possible connections:

– a 3.5 mm 4-pole jack for headsets and headphones with speaker support at the same time

– a 3.5 mm stereo line input for high-end audio recording

– a 3.5 mm stereo line output for connection with active speakers or amplifiers

– and a stereo digital input and output, the SPDIF standard

Important: The Cirrus Logic card is no longer being manufactured or updated. If you want to use it with Max2Play, please stick to an older version of our OS from our Legacy Section of Image Downloads.


  1. Ken Irwin 9 Jahren ago

    Hi. I have a rpi running with a Cirrus Logic (formerly Wolfson) audio card. I also have a rpi running with a hifiberry digi with Max2Play.
    I only use spdif with both these setups. The Wolfson gives me the option to tweak the balance of the audio output through the script, using amixer.
    Is there a way to do this with the hifiberry digi/Max2play setup?

    • Maximilian 9 Jahren ago

      Hi Ken,

      Thank you for your comment.

      I recommend to contact the manufacturer directly to learn more about how to tweak the balance of the Digi+‘ SPDIF output. Max2Play has no option so far for this configuration. It would be great if you share the information with others in our Max2Play forum afterwards.

      Maximilian from Max2Play

  2. Douglas Loucks 9 Jahren ago

    I am using a Wolfson card on a raspberry pi B. I set it up using Max2Play. One thing missing from your instructions is that in the advanced audioplayer settings it is necessary to set the audio output to the default audio device. Otherwise the sound will not play through to Wolfson card.

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